Services - Maritime

Services on shipping navigation technologies, vessel lifecycle assessment, marine database and technologies for facilitating port management and the entire spectrum of environmental sciences.

In the Marine & Maritime sectors, EPSILON provides niche/specialized technological expertise in shipping navigation technologies (as down scaled from our aviation and land navigation technologies), vessel life-cycle assessments as well as marine databases and technologies facilitating port management. Furthermore,  EPSILON addresses the entire spectrum of needs concerning

  • ocean/environmental sciences (via ICT and geoinformatics adjusted/applied pes specific case/application);
  • marine technologies in coop with ocean engineering/sciences (;
  • ships specs for Defence (e.g., compiling of the technical requirement and the technical evaluation for the successful acquisition of an Offshore Patrol Vessels);
  • science and technology for AUVs (autonomous/unmanned underwater vehicles)
  • GeoPlatforms for managing concerted UAV/AUV sensors
  • alternative technologies in ship building, operation and maintenance (e.g. hybrid, electrification, cold ironing).

EPSILON is the Lead Coordinator of the cloud-platform for decision-support, funded by the EC/EMFF Fund (which includes an LCA module with Life Cycle Cost analyses -via KPIs or Key Performance Indicators- for set options/directives such as “design/build/operate/recover or scrap”).